Industry Symposium by GE HealthCare

IND 16 - Advanced diagnostic capabilities in MR imaging for all ages

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MR imaging has proven a valuable tool helping diagnose a wide range of conditions. Discover advances in deep learning reconstruction and new clinical applications with great possibilities for imaging all stages of life.
10 min
Ioannis Panagiotelis / United Kingdom
20 min
Impact of new technologies on pediatric MRI: baby step or major leap?
Julia Geiger, 8032 Zürich / Switzerland
20 min
Impact of deep learning reconstruction techniques on neuroradiology: game-changer or hype?
Pascal ROUX / France




10:00Ioannis Panagiotelis

Impact of new technologies on pediatric MRI: baby step or major leap?

Impact of new technologies on pediatric MRI: baby step or major leap?

20:00Julia Geiger, Zürich / CH

Impact of deep learning reconstruction techniques on neuroradiology: game-changer or hype?

Impact of deep learning reconstruction techniques on neuroradiology: game-changer or hype?

20:00Pascal ROUXFR