RPS 2214 - Advancing radiography through education and research: innovations, challenges, and future directions
March 2, 08:00 - 09:00 CET
7 min
The College of Radiographers’ Education and Career Framework (fourth edition): Exploring the guideline implementation gap across England using Normalisation Process Theory
7 min
Newly qualified radiographers' perception of the induction programme in a radiology department: a survey study
7 min
Patient, Public and Practitioner Partnership within Imaging and Radiotherapy: An exploration of the implementation and use of the College of Radiographers Guiding Principles
7 min
Patients’ perception of Radiographers’ communication skills during planar X-ray imaging: a single centre study
7 min
A post-graduation expectation analysis of Italian Radiographers. The OPEN project
7 min
Radiation Awareness and Occupational Concerns Among Radiographers and Students
7 min
Abdominal Ultrasound Simulation based on CT examinations as an educational tool for enhancing Ultrasound acquisition competences of radiography students
7 min
Evaluating internship guides: Can student opinion create a virtuous circle?
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