Association between metabolic phenotypes and MRI-derived cardiac function parameters, major adverse cardiovascular events, and mortality: Insights from the UK Biobank
7 min
The aging heart: Associations between cardiac structure, function, and demographic factors in a population-based study
7 min
Variability of coronary artery calcium score in the multicentre DISCHARGE trial: Agreement between readings at the core laboratory and the clinical centres
7 min
Patient Acceptance of Coronary CT Angiography Versus Invasive Coronary Angiography in Patients with Stable Chest Pain
7 min
CAD-Man EXTEND: Long-term clinical results of a single centre randomised controlled trial comparing CT with ICA
7 min
Improved Prediction of Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease by DISCHARGE Trial Pretest Calculator Combined with Cardiac CT
7 min
Pericoronary adipose tissue volume but not attenuation is associated with quantitative coronary plaque metrics on coronary CT angiography: Insights from the PROMISE trial
7 min
Evaluating Radiation Exposure in Patients with Stable chest Pain in the DISCHARGE trial
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