Open Forum Session

OF 7Y - Channel your inner reviewer

February 27, 08:30 - 09:30 CET

5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Paola Clauser, Vienna / Austria
7 min
Fostering ethical reviewing
Jose Maria Garcia Santos, Murcia / Spain
  1. To introduce and define publication ethics.
  2. To learn about duplication, redundancy, overlaps, and salami-slicing.
  3. To understand ethical and unethical author behaviour.
7 min
Role of the reviewer
Rossano Girometti, Udine / Italy
  1. To learn what makes an ideal review.
  2. To learn to provide constructive suggestions to authors and editors, avoiding destructive comments.
  3. To learn how to review a revised manuscript.
7 min
Reporting guidelines
Giulia Zamboni, Verona / Italy
  1. To consider diversity of data (equity, balance, race, and ethical issues).
  2. To understand how to use reporting guidelines (including Equator network, AI, CLEAR).
7 min
What to consider when reviewing AI papers
Renato Cuocolo, Naples / Italy
  1. To learn about the importance of data splitting (training, testing, validation, etc.).
  2. To appreciate the particularities of AI-related manuscripts.
  3. To understand how to evaluate AI depending on the task.
7 min
What is the clinical impact
Paola Clauser, Vienna / Austria
  1. To understand what succeeds at creating clinical impact (and what fails to).
  2. To create an impactful Clinical/Critical Relevance (Statement).
  3. To understand how to link clinical impact and citation performance.
20 min
Panel discussion: What makes a good reviewer and how to become one?