Complications and follow-up imaging after lung ablation
24:00Georgia Tsoumakidou, Lausanne / CH
Complications and follow-up imaging after liver and kidney ablation
24:00Fernando Gomez Muñoz, Valencia / ES
Complications and follow-up imaging after bone and soft-tissue ablation
24:00Roberto Luigi Cazzato, Stasbourg / FR
Panel discussion: Which actions should be taken to prevent complications?
13:00Panel discussion: Which actions should be taken to prevent complications?
The session summarises the most common expected complications and their management after thermal ablation in several different organs. Moreover, the audience will familiarise themselves with the clinical and imaging follow-up needed after ablation.
5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Nicolas Frédéric Mathieu Villard, Lausanne / Switzerland
24 min
Complications and follow-up imaging after lung ablation
Georgia Tsoumakidou, Lausanne / Switzerland
24 min
Complications and follow-up imaging after liver and kidney ablation
Fernando Gomez Muñoz, Valencia / Spain
24 min
Complications and follow-up imaging after bone and soft-tissue ablation
Roberto Luigi Cazzato, Stasbourg / France
13 min
Panel discussion: Which actions should be taken to prevent complications?
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