RPS 201b - Assessment of lymph node status and tumour response after chemoradiation therapy in locally advanced rectal cancer: comparison of region of interest methods of intravoxel incoherent motion parameters
05:04Yi Yuan, Chengdu / China
RPS 201b - Preoperative measurement of the hiatal surface with MDCT: impact on surgical planning
04:05G. Trillò, Latina / Italy
RPS 201b - Radiomic's contribution to MR Imaging of patients with LARC (Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer-stage IIa-IIIc AJCC) in the evaluation of long-term outcome
04:58I. Fiorese, Trieste / Italy
RPS 201b - The significance of preoperative computed tomography (CT) features in the prediction of overall survival in gastric cancer: a retrospective analysis
05:33I. Kizildag Yirgin, Istanbul / Turkey
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