Open Forum Session

OF 13R - EFRS meets Baltics

February 28, 09:30 - 10:30 CET

Exploring the professional contributions, continuing education, and training advancements for radiographers in the Baltic countries.
5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Patrizia Cornacchione, Rome / Italy
15 min
Radiographer's professional input in minimally invasive radiology procedures: the role of Lithuanian radiographers
Monika Siaulyte, Klaipeda / Lithuania
15 min
Continuing education and training of radiographers in screening mammography in Latvia
Anna Radiona, Marupe / Latvia
15 min
Educational developments for radiographers in Estonia
Maare-Liis Oinus, Saue / Estonia
10 min
Open forum discussion: How can collaboration and shared best practices among Baltic countries enhance the education and professional development of radiographers?