The EFRS MSK Reporting Network is at the forefront of advancing quality improvement and continuous professional development (CPD) in musculoskeletal (MSK) radiography reporting. This lecture will explore the latest initiatives within the network, focusing on enhancing reporting accuracy, consistency, and overall quality in MSK imaging. Through collaborative efforts, the network aims to establish standards and educational pathways that empower radiographers to elevate their skills and contribute to better patient outcomes in musculoskeletal care.
Chairperson's introduction
Diagnostic accuracy of shoulder radiographs for identifying rotator cuff tears
- To understand acromiohumeral interval on shoulder radiographs.
- To understand the importance of radiographic positioning in this context.
- To understand the relevance of radiographic appearances for rotator cuff disease.
Easily missed acute MSK radiographic pathology interactive quiz
- To identify commonly missed fractures.
- To understand radiographic appearances of acute pathology.