Professional Challenges Session

PC 10 - Emerging challenges and future perspectives in radiographer education in Europe

February 27, 14:00 - 15:30 CET

5 min
Chairpersons' introduction
Louise A. Rainford, Dublin / Ireland
Adrian Mizzi, Attard / Malta
15 min
Radiography education, research and practice: the future of our profession
Graciano Paulo, Coimbra / Portugal
  1. To understand the importance of research for the development of the professional field of knowledge.
  2. To learn about the challenges of the design of future course structures.
  3. To be aware of the impact of new technologies in the future of the radiography profession.
15 min
Empowering radiographers with AI education
Christina Malamateniou, London / United Kingdom
  1. To learn about the different uses of AI in radiography training.
  2. To appreciate the benefits and challenges of AI-enabled teaching for radiography and healthcare.
  3. To discuss potential future work in this field based on workforce challenges and needs.
15 min
Revolutionising training with virtual reality simulation for practical radiography skills
Janni Jensen, Odense / Denmark
  1. To learn about the application and limitations of virtual reality in radiography training.
  2. To appreciate the potential of virtual reality in enhancing radiography skill acquisition.
  3. To understand how virtual reality simulations improve understanding of radiography techniques.
15 min
Skilled radiography educator in the digital and technology-enhanced environment
Naomi Shiner, Nottingham / United Kingdom
  1. To examine the breadth and direction of digital and technology-enhanced environments within radiography education.
  2. To consider how radiography educators develop and adapt teaching in line with fast-changing technology.
  3. To explore effective strategies for integrating digital and technology-enhanced resources into the radiography curriculum.
25 min
Panel discussion: How can we achieve uniformity in radiographer responses to the new challenges or realities?