Healthcare is transforming rapidly, placing increasing demands on care providers to deliver high-quality, personalized MRI. Discover how Siemens Healthineers is addressing these challenges with helium-free* 1.5T MRI and groundbreaking advancements in PET-MRI. Together, we can shape clinical pathways and deliver sustainable, personalized care.
Donald Hardie, Erlangen / Germany
Dementia Imaging Update: Role of the Radiologist in the Era of Disease-modifying Therapies
Ana M Franceschi, New York / United States
This lecture will summarize recent advances in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) therapy development, including clinical trial results and regulatory considerations, as well as familiarize radiologists with clinical applications of imaging biomarkers for the assessment of patients with neurodegenerative disease. The lecture will also discuss emerging US clinical experience with anti-amyloid monoclonal antibody therapy, including patient safety monitoring and follow-up of patients presenting with amyloid related imaging abnormalities (ARIA).
Advancing MRI: Insights from MAGNETOM Flow. Platform
Henrik J Michaely, Karlsuhe / Germany
Prof. Michaely from MVZ Radiologie Karlsruhe shares their experience with the new MAGNETOM Flow. Platform in a newly established clinic. Starting with installation to image outcomes and patient experience, this talk covers the key benefits and clinical outcomes that was achieved with the next-generation, helium-independent MRI system. Join us to explore how MAGNETOM Flow. Platform has facilitated MRI operations, improve outcomes and elevated the MRI experience for both clinicians and patients.
New standards in ultrafast breast imaging using Compressed Sensing VIBE
Ritse Maarten Mann, Nijmegen / Netherlands
Dr. Ritse Mann will discuss recent advancements in ultrafast dynamic breast MRI, highlighting the clinical potential of Compressed Sensing VIBE. Improvements in MRI technology have enabled ultrafast imaging with exceptional spatial and temporal resolution, producing diagnostic-quality images in just a few seconds. Dr. Mann will explore how these innovations facilitate the detection of malignant lesions based on dynamic and morphologic features. Additionally, the talk will address the incorporation of ultrafast imaging into abbreviated MRI protocols and its role in advancing breast cancer screening practices.