IND 10 - Enabling better outcomes for patients with liver diseases together
Liver cancer is a complex disease that requires multidisciplinary care. This symposium will be an exciting panel discussion on how to improve liver cancer patient outcomes by better monitoring liver diseases, early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma and personalized therapies. Explore with us the clinical opportunities, workflows, and innovations throughout the whole liver cancer patient pathway.
90 min
Enabling better outcomes for patients with liver diseases together
Valérie Vilgrain, Clichy / France Ralf W Bauer, Wiesbaden / Germany Fabio Piscaglia, Bologna / Italy Niklas Abele / Germany
Learning Objectives
How to better stratify patients at risk for chronic liver diseases and effectively monitor progression.
Contributions of quantitative imaging in early detection and liver lesion characterization.
The role of patient data aggregation for multidisciplinary treatment decisions.
Intervention procedures for early and intermediate state of HCC. How to move toward standardized workflows and continuous evidence generation
Enabling better outcomes for patients with liver diseases together
90:00Valérie Vilgrain, Clichy / FR, Ralf W Bauer, Wiesbaden / DE, Fabio Piscaglia, Bologna / IT, Niklas AbeleDE
00:00Amilcar AlzagaDE, Tassiana Marini Menezes, Erlangen / DE