Special Focus Session

SF 2a - HCC subtypes: from histology to imaging


Chairperson's introduction

Chairperson's introduction

05:00Valérie Vilgrain, Clichy / FR

Histological and molecular classification of HCC: impact on patient management and outcome

Histological and molecular classification of HCC: impact on patient management and outcome

25:00Aurélie Beaufrère, Clichy / FR

Imaging of classic (NOS) and rare HCC subtypes

Imaging of classic (NOS) and rare HCC subtypes

25:00Roberto Cannella, Palermo / IT

HCC alterations and aggressiveness: impact on imaging

HCC alterations and aggressiveness: impact on imaging

25:00Raneem Albazaz, Leeds / UK

Panel discussion: How can imaging anticipate histologic results?

Panel discussion: How can imaging anticipate histologic results?

10:00Panel discussion: How can imaging anticipate histologic results?

5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Valérie Vilgrain, Clichy / France
25 min
Histological and molecular classification of HCC: impact on patient management and outcome
Aurélie Beaufrère, Clichy / France
1. To list and describe the histological subtypes of HCC according to the WHO classification.
2. To summarise the molecular classification of HCC.
3. To demonstrate the clinical impact of the histological and molecular classifications of HCC.
25 min
Imaging of classic (NOS) and rare HCC subtypes
Roberto Cannella, Palermo / Italy
1. To become familiar with the typical and atypical imaging appearance of classic (NOS) HCC on CT and MRI.
2. To know the imaging features of macro trabecular-massive or steatohepatitis HCC and other rare subtypes.
3. To understand the role of imaging in the diagnosis of HCC subtypes.
25 min
HCC alterations and aggressiveness: impact on imaging
Raneem Albazaz, Leeds / United Kingdom
1. To be familiar with imaging features that help predict tumour aggressiveness.
2. To understand radiological characteristics that can identify cholangiocarcinoma-containing tumours.
3. To be aware of preoperative prediction models that combine clinical and imaging data to guide management.
10 min
Panel discussion: How can imaging anticipate histologic results?

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