Refresher Course: Emergency Imaging

RC 2117 - Headache in the emergency department

March 1, 16:00 - 17:00 CET

5 min
Chairperson's introduction
15 min
The worst headache ever: vessels and haemorrhage
  1. To review imaging findings of cerebral haemorrhage and vascular anomalies.
  2. To understand the clinical implications of different types of haemorrhages.
  3. To recognise the utility of different imaging modalities in assessing vessels and haemorrhage.
15 min
The worst headache ever: infections, inflammation and masses
  1. To differentiate between imaging characteristics of infections, inflammation, and masses.
  2. To discuss the role of imaging in guiding the management of intracranial infections and masses.
  3. To review case studies of challenging diagnoses in the context of headaches.
15 min
The worst headache ever: how the neurointerventionalist can help
  1. To outline the indications for cerebral angiograms and follow-up.
  2. To describe why we still need angiograms even with the advances in CT and MRI.
  3. To describe basic principles for managing ruptured aneurysms and the most common vascular malformations.
10 min
Panel discussion: The most appropriate imaging methods and interventional procedures in emergency for the management of secondary headache