Professional Challenges Session

PC 13 - Health and wellbeing of medical imaging professionals: can we do more?


Chairpersons' introduction

Chairpersons' introduction

05:00Jonathan McNulty, Dublin / IE, Myriam G. M. Hunink, Rotterdam / NL

Ergonomics and professional safety: what more can be done?

Ergonomics and professional safety: what more can be done?

20:00Florentino Manuel Santos Serranheira, Lisbon / PT

Latest developments for safe manual handling: practises within medical imaging

Latest developments for safe manual handling: practises within medical imaging

20:00Claudia Sa dos Reis, Lausanne / CH

Supporting through innovation: improving the mental health of medical imaging professionals

Supporting through innovation: improving the mental health of medical imaging professionals

20:00Patrizia Cornacchione, Rome / IT

Panel discussion: What practical measures need to be implemented to protect the health of medical imaging professionals?

Panel discussion: What practical measures need to be implemented to protect the health of medical imaging professionals?

20:00Panel discussion: What practical measures need to be implemented to protect the health of medical imaging professionals?

Short mindfulness intervention

Short mindfulness intervention

05:00Stephen Downey, Dublin / Ireland

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