RPS 201 - Imaging advances in chronic liver disease assessment and treatment
Introduction by the moderator
02:00Bernard E. Van Beers, Clichy / FR
Imaging features in patients with porto-sinusoidal vascular disease (PSVD) - radiological evaluation guiding diagnosis
08:00Katharina Lampichler, Wien / AT
Hepatic elastic modulus and haemodynamic liver index: novel non-invasive parameters for prediction of presence and grade of oesophageal varices in cirrhotic patients
08:00Abhilasha Rana, Delhi / IN
To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of endovascular intervention in the management of nonportal hypertension related gastrointestinal bleeding at a Vietnamese hospital
08:00Tuan Nguyen, Ho Chi Minh / VN
TRANS-TACE: prognostic role of the transient hypertransaminasaemia after conventional chemoembolisation for hepatocellular carcinoma
08:00Nicolò Brandi, Bologna / IT
Splenic volume as prognostic factor for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing TACE: fully automated volume assessment using a 3D segmentation convolutional neural network
08:00Felix Hahn, Mainz / DE
Correlation between hepatic and splenic volumes and portal venous pressure in cirrhotic patients candidate for transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS)
08:00Lorenzo Bianchi, Milan / IT
HCC-MRI score: a simplified criteria for the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma in high-risk patients using contrast-enhanced MRI of liver
08:00Wanwarang Teerasamit, Bangkok / TH
Quantitative MRI in the evaluation of patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
08:00Francesco Pucciarelli, Rome / IT
The “stiff rim” sign of hepatocellular carcinoma on shear wave elastography: correlation with pathological features and potential prognostic value
08:00Xian Zhong, Maastricht / NL
CT-derived quantitative parameters of oesophageal varices for evaluation of severe varices and the risk of bleeding: a pilot study