Research Presentation Session: Breast

RPS 1602 - Interventional radiology in breast cancer care

February 28, 16:00 - 17:30 CET

7 min
Detection and characterization of cryoimmunologic response induced by ultrasound-guided cryoablation on early breast cancer: evaluation of circulating markers
7 min
A convenient model based on mammography and magnetic resonance imaging for preoperative differentiation of breast phyllodes tumors and fibroadenomas
7 min
Correlation of radiological and pathological tumor sizes in early-stage breast cancer based on molecular subtypes and accompanying in situ carcinoma: A retrospective multicenter study
7 min
Breast abnormalities identified on cross sectional imaging represent a small but significant subgroup of referrals to symptomatic breast service
7 min
Mammography-based radiomic analysis in triple negative ductal invasive breast cancer. Comparison between BRCA and not BRCA mutated patients: Preliminary results
7 min
Can the new combined CB SCORE reduce the number of breast false positive biopsies? Results from a monocentric study
7 min
Non-surgical treatment of breast cancer: a comparison of outcomes between Cryoablation with hormonal therapy versus Cryoablation alone and hormonal therapy alone in patients not eligible for surgery
7 min
Vacuum-Assisted Biopsy in The Era of Low-Risk Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (LR-DCIS) Active Surveillance: Real World Data and Implications
7 min
Does blindfolding patients undergoing ultrasound-guided breast biopsy improve their anxiety and pain scores? a randomized controlled trial
7 min
Does touch imprint cytology prepared from core needle biopsy specimens in breast lesions provide an immediate diagnosis?
7 min
Differential efficacy of Cryoablation in breast cancer subtypes: ultrasound-guided scar biopsy evaluation year post-treatment
7 min
Comparison of RSL, ROLL, and WGL Techniques in Nonpalpable Breast Cancer: A Meta-Analysis of Margins, Re-excision, and Reoperation from Randomized Controlled Trials

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