Special Focus Session

SF 17 - Male erectile dysfunction (ED)


SF 17 - What the urologists expect from the radiologist?

SF 17 - What the urologists expect from the radiologist?

11:26N. Pavan, Trieste / IT

Learning Objectives
1. To understand the clinical correlations between imaging and erectile dysfunction.
2. To understand the clinical indication for imaging studies.
3. To analyse how imaging is influencing the clinical management of a patient with erectile dysfunction.

SF 17 - Penile Doppler

SF 17 - Penile Doppler

11:57P. Sidhu, London / UK

Learning Objectives
1. To understand and learn to perform a dynamic penile Doppler US.
2. To analyse the spectral Doppler waveforms in erectile dysfunction.
3. To learn about the usefulness of a Doppler US in priapism.
4. To obtain an overview of other abnormalities of the penis seen on US.

SF 17 - Role of MRI

SF 17 - Role of MRI

12:21L. Rocher, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre / FR

Learning Objectives
1. To assess penile MRI adequate protocols regarding the suspected pathology.
2. To become familiar with normal MRI findings in flaccidity and erectile status.
3. To identify pathological findings such as Peyronie's disease, fibrosis, or rare tumours involved in erectile dysfunction.

SF 17-2
10 min
What the urologists expect from the radiologist?
Nicola Pavan, Trieste / Italy
Learning Objectives
1. To understand the clinical correlations between imaging and erectile dysfunction.
2. To understand the clinical indication for imaging studies.
3. To analyse how imaging is influencing the clinical management of a patient with erectile dysfunction.
SF 17-3
10 min
Penile Doppler
Paul S. Sidhu, London / United Kingdom
Learning Objectives
1. To understand and learn to perform a dynamic penile Doppler US.
2. To analyse the spectral Doppler waveforms in erectile dysfunction.
3. To learn about the usefulness of a Doppler US in priapism.
4. To obtain an overview of other abnormalities of the penis seen on US.
SF 17-4
10 min
Role of MRI
Laurence Rocher, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre / France
Learning Objectives
1. To assess penile MRI adequate protocols regarding the suspected pathology.
2. To become familiar with normal MRI findings in flaccidity and erectile status.
3. To identify pathological findings such as Peyronie's disease, fibrosis, or rare tumours involved in erectile dysfunction.
SF 17-5
10 min
Interventional radiology in diagnosis and management of ED
Charles Ross Tapping, Wallingford / United Kingdom
15 min
Live Q&A: What is the role of imaging and image-guided interventions in erectile dysfunction?

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