Multidisciplinary Session

MS 18 - Muscle-tendon tears: from the basis to the frontiers of imaging


Chairperson's introduction

Chairperson's introduction

05:00Xavier Tomas Batlle, Barcelona / ES, Gil Rodas, Cardedeu / ES

Muscle-tendon tears: a sports and exercise medicine specialist's point of view

Muscle-tendon tears: a sports and exercise medicine specialist's point of view

15:00Gil Rodas, Cardedeu / ES

MRI approach to acute muscle injuries and the impact of imaging on RTP estimation

MRI approach to acute muscle injuries and the impact of imaging on RTP estimation

15:00Sandra Mechó Meca, Barcelona / ES

MRI approach during the repair process after a muscle injury and estimation of reinjure risk

MRI approach during the repair process after a muscle injury and estimation of reinjure risk

15:00Jaime Isern Kebschull, Barcelona / ES

Imaging of muscle injuries in elite and non-elite athletes

Imaging of muscle injuries in elite and non-elite athletes

15:00Fernando Idoate Saralegui, PAMPLONA / ES

Case discussion: Let's go to work

Case discussion: Let's go to work

25:00Xavier Tomas Batlle, Barcelona / ES

5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Xavier Tomas Batlle, Barcelona / Spain
Gil Rodas, Cardedeu / Spain
15 min
Muscle-tendon tears: a sports and exercise medicine specialist's point of view
Gil Rodas, Cardedeu / Spain
1. To manage MTT: from genetics to return-to-play (RTP).
2. To analyse how OMICS and RADIOMICS Biomarkers could help us to prevent, diagnose and treat MTT.
3. To explain what radiologists should know about regenerative medicine for MTT: PRPs, cellular therapy, and scaffolds.
15 min
MRI approach to acute muscle injuries and the impact of imaging on RTP estimation
Sandra Mechó Meca / Spain
1. To characterise acute muscle injuries by MRI.
2. To recognise the radiological signs that may or may not be associated with a prolonged RTP.
15 min
MRI approach during the repair process after a muscle injury and estimation of reinjure risk
Jaime Isern Kebschull, Barcelona / Spain
1. To characterise the healing process after a muscle injury by MRI.
2. To recognise MRI signs related to the risk of re-injury.
15 min
Imaging of muscle injuries in elite and non-elite athletes
Fernando Idoate Saralegui, PAMPLONA / Spain
1. To discuss imaging strategies: role of MRI and US.
2. To discuss current trends and possible future directions in assessing muscle injuries.
3. To put it all together: the decision-making process.
25 min
Case discussion: Let's go to work
Xavier Tomas Batlle, Barcelona / Spain

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