Refresher Course: Abdominal and Gastrointestinal

RC 2401 - Non-IBD intestinal inflammation: the role of imaging


Chairperson's introduction

Chairperson's introduction

05:00Andrea Laghi, Roma / IT

Infectious enteritis and colitis

Infectious enteritis and colitis

15:00Jordi Rimola Gibert, Barcelona / ES

Intestinal graft versus host disease

Intestinal graft versus host disease

15:00Francesca Maccioni, Rome / IT

Drug-induced enteritis and colitis

Drug-induced enteritis and colitis

15:00Ingrid Millet, Montpellier / FR

Panel discussion: Is GI imaging a problem-solving tool in the multidisciplina discussion of non-IBD intestinal inflammation?

Panel discussion: Is GI imaging a problem-solving tool in the multidisciplina discussion of non-IBD intestinal inflammation?

10:00Panel discussion: Is GI imaging a problem-solving tool in the multidisciplina discussion of non-IBD intestinal inflammation?

5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Andrea Laghi, Roma / Italy
15 min
Infectious enteritis and colitis
Jordi Rimola Gibert, Barcelona / Spain
1. To identify imaging findings of specific gastrointestinal infectious diseases.
2. To diagnose (less prevalent? or another better term?) gastrointestinal manifestations of infectious diseases.
3. To differentiate infectious from inflammatory bowel disease.
15 min
Intestinal graft versus host disease
Francesca Maccioni, Rome / Italy
1. To list the main radiological features of intestinal acute GVHD.
2. To list the main intestinal and abdominal MRI biomarkers associated with the disease.
3. To reflect on clinical correlations and MRI scoring systems for diagnostic and prognostic purposes.
15 min
Drug-induced enteritis and colitis
Ingrid Millet, Montpellier / France
1. To list the main drugs at risk for intestinal toxicity.
2. To know how long it takes for symptoms to appear.
3. To identify imaging signs suggestive of drug-induced digestive damage.
10 min
Panel discussion: Is GI imaging a problem-solving tool in the multidisciplina discussion of non-IBD intestinal inflammation?

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