Special Focus Session

SF 18a - Paediatric abusive trauma: what, how, when

March 1, 09:30 - 11:00 CET

5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Karen Rosendahl, Tromsø / Norway
18 min
Suspected physical abuse: imaging basics
Ignasi Barber, Esplugues de Llobregat / Spain
  1. To understand the importance of imaging guidelines in child abuse.
  2. To appreciate the importance of image quality when imaging suspected child abuse.
  3. To review how to report imaging studies on child abuse.
18 min
Brain imaging in suspected abuse: latest controversies
Stavros Michael Stivaros, Manchester / United Kingdom
  1. To learn about recent pathologies and mechanisms of injury that have been proposed as imaging mimics of abusive head trauma or misinterpreted as such.
  2. To appreciate the forensic approach to image interpretation in this domain of imaging and how this might differ from our clinical approach to reading these scans.
  3. To understand the difference between possible, likely and hypothetical differential diagnoses and why this is important when reporting to the court.
18 min
What we have learnt from forensic post-mortem imaging
Owen Arthurs, Cambridge / United Kingdom
  1. To learn which post-mortem imaging to perform in suspected physical abuse in deceased children.
  2. To appreciate the pros and cons of different PM imaging modalities.
  3. To understand the standard imaging and expected quality, which gives the highest yield in this setting.
18 min
When I go to court: doing it well vs doing it badly
Rick R. Van Rijn, Amsterdam / Netherlands
  1. To learn how to report for court.
  2. To appreciate that there are differences between the law and medicine.
  3. To understand the importance of knowing the country's laws and regulations.
13 min
Panel discussion: What does it take to become a useful paediatric radiologist in the field of child abuse?