Research Presentation Sessions: Paediatric

RPS 512 - Paediatric musculoskeletal and oncologic imaging


Imaging features of posterior fossa ependymoma subgroups

Imaging features of posterior fossa ependymoma subgroups

10:00Volodia Dangouloff-Ros, Paris / FR

Forensic age estimation by MRI of the knee: comparison of two classifications for ossification stages

Forensic age estimation by MRI of the knee: comparison of two classifications for ossification stages

07:00Daniel Vogele, Ulm / DE

MR angiography facilitates the differentiation of aneurysmal from unicameral bone cysts

MR angiography facilitates the differentiation of aneurysmal from unicameral bone cysts

10:00Leon David Grünewald, Frankfurt am Main / DE

Improved accuracy of a deep-learning model with carpal bone analysis for bone age assessment

Improved accuracy of a deep-learning model with carpal bone analysis for bone age assessment

07:00Joo Hui Kim, Seoul / KR

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