Refresher Course: Abdominal and Gastrointestinal

RC 701 - Pancreatic IPMN: leave alone or when to be concerned?


Chairperson's introduction

Chairperson's introduction

05:00Celso Matos, Lisbon / PT

Current strategies in detection and follow-up of IPMN

Current strategies in detection and follow-up of IPMN

15:00Giulia Zamboni, Verona / IT

Worrisome and high-risk features of IPMN

Worrisome and high-risk features of IPMN

15:00Nikolaos Kartalis, Stockholm / SE

Indication and findings in EUS of IPMN

Indication and findings in EUS of IPMN

15:00Christian Jenssen, Strausberg / DE

Panel discussion: What would be the justification for performing life-long follow-up?

Panel discussion: What would be the justification for performing life-long follow-up?

10:00Panel discussion: What would be the justification for performing life-long follow-up?

5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Celso Matos, Lisbon / Portugal
15 min
Current strategies in detection and follow-up of IPMN
Giulia Zamboni, Verona / Italy
1. To list and describe the international guidelines that address diagnosis and follow-up of IPMN.
2. To analyse the guidelines and reflect on the impact on patient prognosis and health economics.
3. To reflect on the use of abbreviated protocols for screening and follow-up.
15 min
Worrisome and high-risk features of IPMN
Nikolaos Kartalis, Stockholm / Sweden
1. To identify worrisome and high-risk features in IPMN at cross-sectional imaging.
2. To consider possible pitfalls and differential diagnosis.
3. To reflect on clinical implications.
15 min
Indication and findings in EUS of IPMN
Christian Jenssen, Strausberg / Germany
1. To become familiar with a 4-step algorithm for EUS-based diagnosis and risk assessment of IPMN.
2. To know the conspicuous EUS features of different types of IPMN.
3. To know when to be concerned: how to confirm high-risk stigmata of IPMN on EUS.
10 min
Panel discussion: What would be the justification for performing life-long follow-up?

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