Nature Masterclass

NM 7 - Publication strategies to improve your chances of acceptance (part 1)

February 27, 08:30 - 10:30 CET

Participants will receive material for practice during the session; therefore, we encourage people to sign up beforehand. Please note that this session will not be live-streamed and will not be available on demand. Sign-up information will be published in due course.

Choosing the right journal is one of the most important decisions a researcher will make about their study. This section first focuses on how to choose the most appropriate journal for the manuscript using an evidence-based approach on several key factors. We then discuss various strategies authors can consider when submitting to journals, along with backup and alternative strategies such as using preprint servers. Finally, we highlight what journal editors are looking for in submissions and how to best communicate the suitability and relevance of the study to the editor in a cover letter.
120 min
Successful submission strategies
Jeffrey Robens, Kawasaki / Japan

This session will not be streamed, nor will it be available on-demand!