State of the Art Symposium

SA 20 - Radiomics application in clinical practice


Chairperson's introduction

Chairperson's introduction

06:00Nikolaos Papanikolaou, Lisbon / PT

Introductions to radiomics

Introductions to radiomics

18:00Constance De Margerie-Mellon, Paris / FR

Radiomics for treatment response and outcome prediction

Radiomics for treatment response and outcome prediction

18:00Lorenzo Ugga, Naples / IT

Nomogram development: integrating radiomics and clinical features for risk stratification

Nomogram development: integrating radiomics and clinical features for risk stratification

18:00Katja Pinker-Domenig, New York / US

Panel discussion: How to accelerate radiomics translation to the clinics?

Panel discussion: How to accelerate radiomics translation to the clinics?

30:00Panel discussion: How to accelerate radiomics translation to the clinics?

6 min
Chairperson's introduction
Nikolaos Papanikolaou, Lisbon / Portugal
18 min
Introductions to radiomics
Constance De Margerie-Mellon, Paris / France
1. To define the concept of radiomics.
2. To understand the basics of radiomics workflow.
3. To discuss the potential of radiomics as well as the challenges to be addressed.
18 min
Radiomics for treatment response and outcome prediction
Lorenzo Ugga, Naples / Italy
1. To describe radiomics methods pertinent to treatment response and outcome prediction.
2. To summarise current evidence about the role of radiomics for this task.
3. To present clinical implementations and barriers to their adoption.
18 min
Nomogram development: integrating radiomics and clinical features for risk stratification
Katja Pinker-Domenig, New York / United States
1. To understand building, interpreting, and using nomograms that integrate radiomics and clinical features.
2. To be aware of current use cases.
3. To identify the challenges and limitations for clinical implementation.
30 min
Panel discussion: How to accelerate radiomics translation to the clinics?

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