RC 1614 - Practical computed tomography tips for radiographers


RC 1614 -  The practical implications of CT scanner development: where we have come from and where we are now

RC 1614 - The practical implications of CT scanner development: where we have come from and where we are now

15:50J. Santos, Coimbra / PT

Learning Objectives

1. To appreciate the developments in CT technology over time.
2. To understand the implications of technological advancements upon current clinical practice.
3. To be aware of key aspects of technology developments with which radiographers should be fully familiar.

RC 1614 -  Practical tips for radiographers in CT scanning of the thorax and abdomen

RC 1614 - Practical tips for radiographers in CT scanning of the thorax and abdomen

16:36S.D. Mørup, Odense / DK

Learning Objectives

1. To review CT examinations of the thorax and abdomen, and subsequent dose implications.
2. To be aware of recent research relevant to the optimisation of CT examination of the thorax and abdomen.
3. To understand key principles of optimisation for specific clinical indications when performing a CT examination of the thorax and abdomen.

RC 1614 -  Practical tips for radiographers when scanning paediatric imaging

RC 1614 - Practical tips for radiographers when scanning paediatric imaging

14:42B. Moeller Christensen, Joenkoeping / SE

Learning Objectives

1. To review examinations that are routinely performed on paediatric patients.
2. To understand key evidence-based principles of optimisation and how these can be applied in routine practice.
3. To be aware of how European and international guidelines and legislation in different geographical jurisdictions should empower active optimisation in paediatric CT.

PEP Subscription Required

This course is only accessible for ESR Premium Education Package subscribers.