Refresher Course: Imaging Informatics and Artificial Intelligence

RC 1905 - Standardisation and reporting in AI research

March 1, 12:30 - 13:30 CET

5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Tuğba Akıncı D'Antonoli, Basel / Switzerland
15 min
Tripod+AI for general AI
Hans B Reitsma, Utrecht / Netherlands
  1. To explain the Tripod+AI framework and its relevance to general AI applications in radiology.
  2. To illustrate the application of the Tripod+AI framework in designing and reporting AI studies.
  3. To discuss the impact of standardisation on the reproducibility and transparency of AI research in radiology.
15 min
CLAIM reporting guidelines for image-based AI
Michail Klontzas, Heraklion / Greece
  1. To present the latest update of CLAIM guidelines for AI applications on medical imaging.
  2. To identify suitable uses based on the type of research.
  3. To point out potential pitfalls in using guidelines for medical imaging AI.
15 min
Metrics reloaded: recommendations for image analysis validation
Annika Reinke, Blender / Germany
  1. To emphasise the importance of problem-aware metric selection.
  2. To point out pitfalls related to biomedical image analysis validation and metric selection.
  3. To present concrete recommendations and a toolkit for application-driven metric choice.
10 min
Panel discussion: Expert insights on the future of AI and radiomics standardisation and reporting in radiology