1. To learn about diagnostic imaging workup of the paediatric liver: indications, applications, obstacles and problem-solving.
12 min
Liver transplant
Martijn V Verhagen, Groningen / Netherlands
1. To name the relevant vascular focus points when assessing a paediatric liver transplantation 2. To be aware of the types of vascular complications and how to assess these with imaging. 3. To understand the significance of complications and advice on the appropriate treatments.
12 min
Fontan-associated liver disease (FALD)
Charlotte de Lange, Gothenburg / Sweden
1. To learn about the basic pathophysiology of FALD. 2. To describe the use of different imaging techniques in the assessment of FALD. 3. To discuss the role of imaging in the current surveillance strategies of FALD.
12 min
Quantification of fat and iron in the liver
Seema Toso, Geneva / Switzerland
1. To recognise patterns of fat deposition on USS. 2. To appreciate why fat and iron quantification is clinically important 3. To understand the main MRI sequences used in detecting fat and iron.
10 min
Panel discussion: Where does ultrasound end and MRI begin?
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