In Focus: Imagers Fixing the World

IF 16 - Universal healthcare and health equity: the challenges of managing non-communicable diseases in low- and middle-income countries

February 28, 16:00 - 17:30 CET

This session addresses the critical issue of strengthening imaging capacity and managing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) within the framework of universal healthcare and health equity. It explores the multifaceted challenges these countries face, including healthcare workforce limitations and the integration of innovative technologies. The session will look at global perspectives on advancing health equity and practical insights from on-the-ground experiences in various regions. It aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the strategies needed to strengthen imaging capacity in resource-limited settings.
15 min
Chairperson's introduction: WHO and IAEA - challenges of non-communicable diseases in LMICs
Bibb Allen, Birmingham / United States
11 min
The role of the WHO in advancing health equity in LMICs
Ferid Shannoun, Geneva / Switzerland
11 min
Workforce challenges and educating the existing healthcare team to provide safe and effective imaging care
Geraldine B. McGinty, New York / United States
11 min
Workforce challenges and AI in LMICs
Karim Lekadir, Barcelona / Spain
11 min
On the ground - Tanzania: novel equipment
Michael T Nelson, Minneapolis / United States
11 min
On the ground - Kilimanjaro: team approach to care
Nicholas Hatton, Ormond Beach / United States
20 min
Panel discussion: Medical imaging for low- and middle-income countries: how do we get there?
All speakers and
Dina Husseiny Salama, Cairo / Egypt
Diana Isabel Paez, Vienna / Austria