The performance of automated breast ultrasound, hand-held ultrasound, digital breast tomosynthesis and mammography in breast cancer detection: a comparative study in 2000 women
08:00Athina Vourtsis, Athens / GR
Contrast-enhanced mammography in the work-up of screening recalls: first results of a prospective two-centre study
08:00Andrea Cozzi, Milan / IT
The effects of time of reading, hours of sleep, and high reporting volumes without breaks on radiological diagnostic efficacy when detecting breast cancer
08:00Mo'ayyad Suleiman, Sydney / AU
"Earlier than Early" breast cancer detection in BRCA carriers using computerised quantitative analysis of consecutive DCE-MRI scans: an AI-based feasibility study
08:00Debbie Anaby, Ramat Gan / IL
Comparison of the performance of radiologists and radiographers in the double reading of screening mammograms in a national breast screening programme
08:00Jonathan James, Nottingham / UK
The yield of breast cancer surveillance in women with PTEN Hamartoma Tumour Syndrome
08:00Alma Hoxhaj, Amsterdam / NL
Mammographic breast compression practice: vendor, screening and diagnostic mammography differences
08:00Anika Brameier, Münster / DE
A pilot analysis to determine impact of actual time between screens on interval cancer rates in the English Breast Screening Programme
08:00Matthew G. Wallis, Cambridge / UK
Breast cancer screening: tomosynthesis plus synthesised mammograms versus digital mammography: first results of the TOSYMA RCT
08:00Hans-Werner Hense, Münster / DE
MammoWave - a novel microwave screening system for early breast cancer detection: implications in future breast screening