E³ - Advanced Course: Sustainable Technological Innovations: From Digital Transition to High-End Technology

E³ 1119 - CT: a multiparametric technique


Chairperson's introduction

Chairperson's introduction

05:00Damiano Caruso, Roma / IT

Spectral CT: the new standard of care?

Spectral CT: the new standard of care?

25:00Philippe Charles Douek, Lyon / FR

Photon counting: where we are and where we will go?

Photon counting: where we are and where we will go?

25:00Victor Mergen, Zurich / CH

AI for optimisation of image quality and contrast medium injection

AI for optimisation of image quality and contrast medium injection

25:00Damiano Caruso, Roma / IT




E³ 1119-1
5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Damiano Caruso, Roma / Italy
E³ 1119-2
25 min
Spectral CT: the new standard of care?
Philippe Charles Douek, Lyon / France
1. To describe the different technologies available for spectral imaging.
2. To analyse the impact of spectral technology with regard to radiation exposure and contrast medium dose.
3. To summarise the most relevant current clinical applications.
E³ 1119-3
25 min
Photon counting: where we are and where we will go?
Victor Mergen, Zurich / Switzerland
1. To describe the current technologies available for photon-counting CT.
2. To analyse the impact of spectral technology with regard to radiation exposure and contrast medium dose.
3. To summarise the most relevant current clinical applications.
E³ 1119-4
25 min
AI for optimisation of image quality and contrast medium injection
Damiano Caruso, Roma / Italy
1. To understand AI impact in CT protocols for dose reduction.
2. To evaluate the standard of care for contrast media administration.
3. To describe AI advantages in contrast media reduction.
E³ 1119-5
10 min

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