Professional Challenges Session

PC 15b - Implementation and effectiveness of AI in practice


Chairpersons' introduction

Chairpersons' introduction

05:00Graciano Paulo, Coimbra / PT, Elmar Kotter, Freiburg / DE

Tips and pitfalls for bringing AI into practice

Tips and pitfalls for bringing AI into practice

15:00Janni Jensen, Odense / DK

Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of AI

Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of AI

15:00Benoît Rizk, Villars-sur-Glane / CH

The role of educating the medical imaging workforce for clinical adoption of AI

The role of educating the medical imaging workforce for clinical adoption of AI

15:00Christina Malamateniou, London / UK

Use of AI to help radiographers enhance patient experience

Use of AI to help radiographers enhance patient experience

15:00Mark F. McEntee, Cork / IE

Panel discussion: How can radiographers embrace AI implementation in practice?

Panel discussion: How can radiographers embrace AI implementation in practice?

25:00Panel discussion: How can radiographers embrace AI implementation in practice?

5 min
Chairpersons' introduction
Elmar Kotter, Freiburg / Germany
Graciano Paulo, Coimbra / Portugal
15 min
Tips and pitfalls for bringing AI into practice
Janni Jensen, Odense / Denmark
1. To describe the practical set-up of facilitating AI solutions at a large university hospital.
2. To present examples of AI solutions in a department of radiology.
3. To identify pitfalls of AI in the clinical setting.
15 min
Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of AI
Benoît Rizk, Villars-sur-Glane / Switzerland
1. To define and describe key metrics for evaluating AI performance.
2. To critique and reflect on reported performance in AI evaluation studies.
3. To realise the importance of assessing the risk of bias in AI models.
15 min
The role of educating the medical imaging workforce for clinical adoption of AI
Christina Malamateniou, London / United Kingdom
1. To highlight the different factors impacting AI adoption in clinical practice for medical imaging services.
2. To summarise currently available AI educational provisions for radiologists and radiographers in Europe.
3.To discuss challenges, opportunities and synergies for AI education for different medical imaging professionals.
15 min
Use of AI to help radiographers enhance patient experience
Mark F. McEntee, Cork / Ireland
1. To explore the forefront of AI technologies related to patient care.
2. To contextualise radiographers’ role with AI.
3.To consider ethics and consent for the use of AI in radiography practice.
25 min
Panel discussion: How can radiographers embrace AI implementation in practice?

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