E³ - The Beauty of Basic Knowledge: Sports Imaging

E³ 22C - The traumatic ankle


Chairperson's introduction

Chairperson's introduction

02:00Andrea B. Rosskopf, Zurich / CH

Tendon and ligament injuries

Tendon and ligament injuries

25:00Violeta Vasilevska Nikodinovska, Skopje / MK

Osteochondral lesions: pre- and postoperative findings

Osteochondral lesions: pre- and postoperative findings

25:00Iris Melanie Noebauer-Huhmann, Vienna / AT

Panel discussion

Panel discussion

08:00Panel discussion

2 min
Chairperson's introduction
Andrea B. Rosskopf, Zurich / Switzerland
25 min
Tendon and ligament injuries
Violeta Vasilevska Nikodinovska, Skopje / North Macedonia
Learning Objectives
1. To learn about basic ligament anatomy.
2. To classify ligament and tendon injuries.
3. To recognise typical hints for tendon injuries in the ankle.
25 min
Osteochondral lesions: pre- and postoperative findings
Iris Melanie Noebauer-Huhmann, Vienna / Austria
Learning Objectives
1. To learn about typical imaging findings of osteochondral lesions.
2. To learn about different surgical techniques for osteochondral repair and their normal imaging findings.
3. To recognise postoperative complications, and how to evaluate the outcome in the follow-up by a semiquantitative MR scoring system.
8 min
Panel discussion

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