Refresher Course: Physics in Medical Imaging

RC 1313 - High-field and low-field MRI: what is the difference?


Chairperson's introduction

Chairperson's introduction

05:00Ioannis Seimenis, Athens / GR

High-field MRI

High-field MRI

15:00Siegfried Trattnig, Vienna / AT

Low-field MRI

Low-field MRI

15:00Andrew G. Webb, Leiden / NL

Panel discussion: High-field vs low-field: room for both?

Panel discussion: High-field vs low-field: room for both?

25:00Panel discussion: High-field vs low-field: room for both?

5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Ioannis Seimenis, Athens / Greece
15 min
High-field MRI
Siegfried Trattnig, Vienna / Austria
1. To learn about the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), susceptibility and chemical shift dependence on the static magnetic field and its impact on achievable spatial and spectral resolution and susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI).
2. To understand the trade-offs, limitations and safety issues with high-field and ultra-high-field MRI.
3. To get an insight into the possible clinical applications where high-field MRI makes the difference.
15 min
Low-field MRI
Andrew G. Webb, Leiden / Netherlands
1. To learn about the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) dependence on the static magnetic field and its impact on the achievable contrast, resolution, and acquisition times.
2. To understand the trade-offs and limitations associated with low-field MRI.
3. To get an insight into the possible clinical applications of low-field MRI systems.
25 min
Panel discussion: High-field vs low-field: room for both?

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