Special Focus Session

SF 21a - United we stand, divided we fall: a multidisciplinary approach to endometriosis


Chairperson's introduction

Chairperson's introduction

10:00Isabelle Thomassin-Naggara, Paris / FR

The gynaecologist's perspective

The gynaecologist's perspective

20:00Cyril Touboul, Paris / FR

The radiologist's perspective (US/MR)

The radiologist's perspective (US/MR)

25:00Luciana Chamie, Sao Paulo / BR



15:00Leo Razakamanantsoa, Paris / FR

The patient association's perspective

The patient association's perspective

05:00Judy Birch, Poole / UK

Panel discussion: Endometriosis pathway: where are we at?

Panel discussion: Endometriosis pathway: where are we at?

15:00Panel discussion: Endometriosis pathway: where are we at?

10 min
Chairperson's introduction
Isabelle Thomassin-Naggara, Paris / France
20 min
The gynaecologist's perspective
Cyril Touboul, Paris / France
1. To define the place of imaging in the diagnostic strategy of endometriosis.
2. To understand the role of pre-operative imaging and imaging classification in planning surgery.
3. To know how to use imaging in the suspicion of recurrence.
25 min
The radiologist's perspective (US/MR)
Luciana Chamie, Sao Paulo / Brazil
1. To discuss the value of US and MRI to diagnose adnexal locations.
2. To examine the utility of the combination of US and MR for diagnosing deep pelvic locations.
3. To describe lateral locations using MR imaging, including beyond parietal fascia.
15 min
Leo Razakamanantsoa, Paris / France
1. To consider the advantages of percutaneous treatment of endometriotic wall nodule.
2. To describe the technique and main results in the literature.
3. To be aware of potential complications to correctly inform our patients.
5 min
The patient association's perspective
Judy Birch, Poole / United Kingdom
15 min
Panel discussion: Endometriosis pathway: where are we at?

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