Refresher Course: Paediatric

RC 212 - Renovascular hypertension in children

February 26, 10:00 - 11:00 CET

5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Stéphanie Franchi-Abella, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre / France
15 min
The role of US-Doppler
Martijn V Verhagen, Haren Gn / Netherlands
  1. To describe the causes of vascular arterial hypertension in children.
  2. To know how to get the most out of renal Doppler ultrasonography.
  3. To understand the role of CE ultrasonography in vascular arterial hypertension.
15 min
The role of CTA and MRA
Maria Beatrice Beatrice Damasio, Genoa / Italy
  1. To list the advantages and disadvantages of CTA in assessing renal vasculature.
  2. To list the advantages and disadvantages of MRA in assessing renal vasculature.
  3. To assess, for unique renal vasculature cases, which imaging method should be chosen.
15 min
Interventional radiology: diagnose and treat renovascular hypertension
Premal Patel, London / United Kingdom
  1. To know the different treatment options in the case of paediatric renal vascular hypertension.
  2. To select cases eligible for endovascular treatment.
  3. To describe the limitations and risks of interventional radiology in paediatric renal vascular hypertension.
10 min
Panel discussion: What is the best imaging method in suspected renovascular hypertension?