Laura Oleaga Zufiria, Barcelona / Spain Hassan Boulkhrif, Rotterdam / Netherlands
To engage in an immersive EDiR experience featuring multiple response questions, short cases, and clinically oriented reasoning evaluation (CORE). Cases tailored to neuroradiology and head and neck radiology, mirroring the format of an actual exam.
To analyse and solve both theoretical and hands-on cases.
To become familiar with the clue patterns embedded in EDiR questions, enhancing your ability to answer effectively.
To explore and tackle the most challenging cases presented in this simulation, gaining valuable insights into complex diagnostic scenarios.
To master the fundamentals of neuroradiology and head and neck radiology, deepening your understanding of these subspecialties.
To learn about the key educational tools tailored for EDiR preparation, optimising your study approach to ensure success.
*Please note that there can only be one winner per session.
15 min
Pooling of conclusions and perceptions
Laura Oleaga Zufiria, Barcelona / Spain Hassan Boulkhrif, Rotterdam / Netherlands
To jointly summarise and review what we have learned at today's session.