Coffee & Talk (open forum) Session - Organised by the EORTC
C 10 - Setting up and managing imaging trials
C 10 - Challenges of introducing imaging biomarkers as end-points into clinical trials
09:37A. Neven, Brussels / BE
Learning Objectives 1. To learn what requirements are necessary for clinical trial end-points. 2. To appreciate the difficulties in introducing imaging biomarkers as end-points. 3. To understand what needs to be addressed to overcome the challenges.
C 10 - How do I share my trial data?
10:28M. Smits, Rotterdam / NL
Learning Objectives 1. To learn what is needed when archiving data for external use. 2. To appreciate the challenges of setting up an accessible image archive. 3. To understand the limitations.
C 10 - What is the shelf-life of imaging data?
13:00L. Bidaut, Lincoln / UK
Learning Objectives 1. To learn about the use of quantitative imaging data for comparative studies over time. 2. To appreciate the speed of the evolution of imaging technology. 3. To understand the pitfalls of quantitative analysis from banked data.
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