E³ 126 - A. Technical aspects of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI)
16:22H. Hussain, Beirut / LB
Learning Objectives 1. To learn about the strengths and shortcomings of different DWI techniques. 2. To understand how to integrate and optimise DWI in MRI protocols. 3. To be able to avoid pitfalls in DWI sequencies.
E³ 126 - B. DWI of abdominal organs
17:33D. Caruso, Rome / IT
Learning Objectives 1. To learn how to integrate DWI in your abdominal MRI protocol. 2. To understand the diagnostic value of DWI for abdominal pathologies. 3. To be able to deal with technical difficulties of DWI in the upper abdomen.
E³ 126 - C. DWI of pelvic organs
14:59E. Sala, Cambridge / UK
Learning Objectives 1. To understand the correct implementation of DWI for pelvic imaging. 2. To learn how to avoid imaging artefacts in pelvic DWI. 3. To become familiar with typical findings and pitfalls of pelvic DWI.
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