Patients in Focus - Jointly organised by the ESR and ECO (European Cancer Organisation)

IF 14a - The future relationship between radiologist and patient: what do we want to see?


Introduction by the moderator

Introduction by the moderator

02:00Lorenzo E. Derchi, Genoa / IT, Matti Aapro, Genolier / CH

Oncologist and radiologist: all hands on the tumour

Oncologist and radiologist: all hands on the tumour

10:00Matti Aapro, Genolier / CH

Patient view: what do patients expect and patient rights

Patient view: what do patients expect and patient rights

15:00Cheryl Cruwys, Glanges / FR

Panel discussion: How can we change the role of the radiologist to integrate them more in patient care/outpatient clinics?

Panel discussion: How can we change the role of the radiologist to integrate them more in patient care/outpatient clinics?

23:00Dominique-Gérard Carrié, Toulouse / FR