Round Table Session

RT 15 - Building bridges: the role of the radiologist in 2030


Chairpersons' introduction

Chairpersons' introduction

02:00Regina G.H. Beets-Tan, Amsterdam / NL, Adrian Brady, Cork / IE

The new role of the radiologist: report from the ESR survey

The new role of the radiologist: report from the ESR survey

13:00Andrea G. Rockall, London / UK

Panel discussion: Radiology in 2030: how will we need to practice adding value to the patient?

Panel discussion: Radiology in 2030: how will we need to practice adding value to the patient?

45:00Emanuele Neri, Pisa / IT, Geerard L. Beets, Amsterdam / NL, Andrea G. Rockall, London / UK, Gilliosa Spurrier-Bernard, Auvergne / FR, Emile Voest, Amsterdam / NL