Research Presentation Sessions: Genitourinary

RPS 2107 - Uterine masses: benign or invasive - is it always that easy?


Introduction by the moderator

Introduction by the moderator

02:00Marijana Basta Nikolic, Novi Sad / RS

Using amide proton transfer-weighted MRI to non-invasively differentiate mismatch repair deficient and proficient tumours in endometrioid endometrial adenocarcinoma

Using amide proton transfer-weighted MRI to non-invasively differentiate mismatch repair deficient and proficient tumours in endometrioid endometrial adenocarcinoma

08:00Xinyu Liu, Beijing / CN

Magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of adenomyosis rat model constructed by autologous endometrial implantation

Magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of adenomyosis rat model constructed by autologous endometrial implantation

08:00Qi Zhang, Shanghai / CN

Preoperative tumour texture analysis on MRI predicts high-risk disease in endometrial cancer

Preoperative tumour texture analysis on MRI predicts high-risk disease in endometrial cancer

08:00Michela Lupinelli, Forli / IT

MRI staging of endometrial cancer: is there any room for improvement?

MRI staging of endometrial cancer: is there any room for improvement?

08:00Teresa Neves, Lisbon / PT

Early regression index (ERI) as response predictor to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced cervical cancer

Early regression index (ERI) as response predictor to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced cervical cancer

08:00Salvatore Persiani, Policoro / IT

Value of MRI in parametrial invasion assessment and association with prognosis in locally advanced cervical cancer: preliminary results

Value of MRI in parametrial invasion assessment and association with prognosis in locally advanced cervical cancer: preliminary results

08:00Michela Lupinelli, Forli / IT

Validation of a qualitative magnetic resonance imaging-based method to predict placenta accreta spectrum disorders in patients with placenta previa

Validation of a qualitative magnetic resonance imaging-based method to predict placenta accreta spectrum disorders in patients with placenta previa

08:00Francesco Verde, Sant'Antimo / IT

Abnormal cord coiling: a harbinger of adverse pregnancy outcome?

Abnormal cord coiling: a harbinger of adverse pregnancy outcome?

08:00Ayush Khandelwal, Jaipur / IN

Investigation of correlation between number of echolucent zones with/without colour flow and morbidly adherent placenta

Investigation of correlation between number of echolucent zones with/without colour flow and morbidly adherent placenta

08:00Behzad Aminzadeh, Mashhad / IR

Comparing diagnostic accuracy and diagnostic confidence in the MRI interpretation of placenta accreta spectrum disorders before and after implementation of SAR/ESUR consensus framework

Comparing diagnostic accuracy and diagnostic confidence in the MRI interpretation of placenta accreta spectrum disorders before and after implementation of SAR/ESUR consensus framework

08:00Aman Khurana, Lexington / US