Refresher Courses: Physics in Medical Imaging - Jointly organised by the ESR and EFOMP

RC 213 - MRI scanning with cardiac devices: the new routine


Chairperson's introduction

Chairperson's introduction

05:00Ioannis Seimenis, Athens / GR

The cardiologist's point of view

The cardiologist's point of view

15:00Cornelis Allaart, Amsterdam / NL

The radiologist's point of view

The radiologist's point of view

15:00Jesse Habets, The Hague / NL

The physicist's point of view

The physicist's point of view

15:00Aaron McCann, Belfast / UK

Panel discussion: What is the next development you most want to see?

Panel discussion: What is the next development you most want to see?

10:00Panel discussion: What is the next development you most want to see?

PEP Subscription Required

This course is only accessible for ESR Premium Education Package subscribers.