Research Presentation Sessions: Musculoskeletal

RPS 1610 - Musculoskeletal: wrist/hand and foot/ankle


MRI in cases of wrist joint pain

MRI in cases of wrist joint pain

07:00Rajul Rastogi, Moradabad / IN

Clinical and radiological predictors of delayed union or non-union of scaphoid fractures

Clinical and radiological predictors of delayed union or non-union of scaphoid fractures

07:00Gianluca Folco, Milan / IT

Reliability of radioulnar and carpal alignment measurements in the wrist between radiographs and 3D imaging

Reliability of radioulnar and carpal alignment measurements in the wrist between radiographs and 3D imaging

07:00David Ferreira Branco, Geneva / CH

The value of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of carpal tunnel syndrome

The value of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of carpal tunnel syndrome

07:00Thanh Thao Nguyen, Hue / VN

The importance of stress-MRI in complex pulley lesions of the fingers

The importance of stress-MRI in complex pulley lesions of the fingers

07:00Frank Schellhammer, Cologne / DE

Deep learning MRI reconstruction for turbo spin echo hand and wrist imaging: a comparison of image quality, visualisation of anatomy, and detection of common pathologies with standard imaging

Deep learning MRI reconstruction for turbo spin echo hand and wrist imaging: a comparison of image quality, visualisation of anatomy, and detection of common pathologies with standard imaging

07:00Sebastian Werner, Tübingen / DE

Ultrasound-guided thread release for decompression of the cubital tunnel: a post mortem study

Ultrasound-guided thread release for decompression of the cubital tunnel: a post mortem study

07:00Sophia Wirth, Vienna / AT

Correlation between elastography and MRI findings in calcaneal tendon lesions

Correlation between elastography and MRI findings in calcaneal tendon lesions

07:00Alan Rodrigues Cavalcante, Belém / BR

The role of selective injury to the superior and inferior band of the anterior talofibular ligament on ankle stability: a high-resolution US study

The role of selective injury to the superior and inferior band of the anterior talofibular ligament on ankle stability: a high-resolution US study

07:00Riccardo Picasso, Genoa / IT

Accuracy of clinical diagnosis, imaging methods, and biopsy in ankle and foot tumours and pseudotumours

Accuracy of clinical diagnosis, imaging methods, and biopsy in ankle and foot tumours and pseudotumours

07:00Fernando Ruiz Santiago, Granada / ES

Diagnostic performance comparison of conventional radiography to magnetic resonance imaging for suspected osteomyelitis of the extremities: a multireader study

Diagnostic performance comparison of conventional radiography to magnetic resonance imaging for suspected osteomyelitis of the extremities: a multireader study

07:00Prajwal P Gowda, Dallas / US



00:00Raquel Prada Gonzalez, Vigo / ES

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