Refresher Course: Oncologic Imaging
RC 1716 - A clinical approach to colon cancer imaging
March 1, 08:00 - 09:00 CET
5 min
Chairperson's introduction
, Roma / Italy
15 min
Local staging: what should I report?
, Amsterdam / Netherlands
To understand the role of imaging in the local staging of colon cancer.
To learn the most important radiological findings to mention in your report.
To know which radiological findings will affect patient management.
15 min
Colorectal metastases: patterns of spread and optimal detection
, Athens / Greece
To learn the most common patterns of metastatic disease.
To learn about the role of the different imaging modalities (CT, MRI, PET) in the diagnostic workup.
To learn how to utilise each imaging modality most effectively.
15 min
Pearls and pitfalls in staging and treatment assessment of colon cancer
Lennart K.
, Stockholm / Sweden
To learn about pearls and pitfalls in colon cancer staging and response assessment.
10 min
Panel discussion: Is structured reporting useful in colon cancer?