EFRS Session

EFRS 5 - Advancing Image-Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT): challenges and perspectives in radiotherapy radiographers' practice

February 27, 13:00 - 14:00 CET

This session will delve into the complexities of implementing IGRT effectively, from ensuring precision in tumor targeting to managing technological advancements in daily practice. Attendees will gain insights into the evolving role of radiographers in IGRT, exploring strategies to enhance clinical outcomes and the continuous professional development needed to stay at the forefront of this dynamic field. Join us to discuss how radiographers can overcome challenges and leverage IGRT to improve patient care in radiotherapy.
5 min
Chairperson's introduction
40 min
Challenges and perspectives in Radiotherapy Radiographers' Practice
  1. To understand the role of IGRT in radiotherapy, radiation protection, and environmental sustainability.
  2. To identify key challenges and perspectives in IGRT for radiotherapy radiographers.
  3. To develop strategies for continuous education and training in IGRT.
15 min
Panel discussion