EU Health Policy Platform Annual Meeting 2024

Advancing Precision Medicine for Europe's Cancer Patients with AI-powered Imaging


Advancing Precision Medicine for Europe's Cancer Patients with AI-powered Imaging

Advancing Precision Medicine for Europe's Cancer Patients with AI-powered Imaging

15:48Regina Beets-Tan, Amsterdam / Netherlands

This talk explores the integration of AI-powered imaging with other diagnostic data to bring integrated diagnostics into clinical practice. It presents the ESR-led EU Thematic Network and Joint Statement dedicated to the topic in the context of the European Cancer Imaging Initiative and discusses the implications of the AI Act and the European Health Data Space (EHDS) for cancer care in Europe.

Part of the EU Health Policy Platform Annual Meeting, a key event where health stakeholders network, discuss shared interests, and collaborate with the European Commission. The meeting features presentations from Thematic Network leaders and highlights collaborative efforts to draft Joint Statements for advancing health policy across Europe.

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