Research Presentation Sessions: Genitourinary

RPS 1507 - AI in genitourinary imaging: will it improve your performance?


Predicting the recurrence risk of renal cell carcinoma after nephrectomy: potential role of CT radiomics for adjuvant treatment decisions

Predicting the recurrence risk of renal cell carcinoma after nephrectomy: potential role of CT radiomics for adjuvant treatment decisions

07:00Dominik Deniffel, Munich / DE

Radiomics analysis on CT images for evaluation of kidney function in ADPKD

Radiomics analysis on CT images for evaluation of kidney function in ADPKD

07:00Carla Cipri, Rome / IT

The role of radiomics analysis in the assessment of renal nodules on CT

The role of radiomics analysis in the assessment of renal nodules on CT

07:00Alice Zannotti, Cupramontana / IT

Deep learning algorithm performs similarly to radiologists in the assessment of prostate volume on MRI

Deep learning algorithm performs similarly to radiologists in the assessment of prostate volume on MRI

07:00Erik Thimansson, Helsingborg / SE

Development of radiomic models for improving the detection of clinically significant cancers among PI-RADS 4 and 5 lesions detected on 3T multiparametric MRI studies

Development of radiomic models for improving the detection of clinically significant cancers among PI-RADS 4 and 5 lesions detected on 3T multiparametric MRI studies

07:00Pietro Andrea Bonaffini, Monza / IT

Deep learning algorithm for tumour segmentation and classification of aggressiveness in patients with prostate cancer

Deep learning algorithm for tumour segmentation and classification of aggressiveness in patients with prostate cancer

07:00Sujin Hong, Busan / KR

External validation of a radiomics model for the assessment of extraprostatic extension (EPE) of prostate cancer (PCa)

External validation of a radiomics model for the assessment of extraprostatic extension (EPE) of prostate cancer (PCa)

07:00Gloria Giacomelli, Fano / IT

Prediction of clinically significant prostate cancer in patients under active surveillance: performance of a fully-automated AI-algorithm for lesion detection and classification

Prediction of clinically significant prostate cancer in patients under active surveillance: performance of a fully-automated AI-algorithm for lesion detection and classification

07:00Benedict Oerther, Freiburg / DE

Computed tomography image-based radiomic analysis helps differentiate ovarian clear-cell carcinoma from other types of epithelial ovarian cancer

Computed tomography image-based radiomic analysis helps differentiate ovarian clear-cell carcinoma from other types of epithelial ovarian cancer

07:00Jing Ren, Beijing / CN

CT radiomics model to predict platinum sensitivity in epithelial ovarian carcinoma

CT radiomics model to predict platinum sensitivity in epithelial ovarian carcinoma

07:00Mengge He, Hong kong / CN

MRI- and histologic-molecular-based radiogenomics nomogram for preoperative assessment of risk classes in endometrial cancer

MRI- and histologic-molecular-based radiogenomics nomogram for preoperative assessment of risk classes in endometrial cancer

07:00Veronica Celli, Rome / IT



00:00Renato Cuocolo, Napoli / IT

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