E³ - The Beauty of Basic Knowledge: Breast Imaging

E³ 22B - Basics of mammography and ultrasound

February 27, 10:00 - 11:00 CET

3 min
Chairperson's introduction
Eva Maria M. Fallenberg, München / Germany
21 min
Differences in mammography: techniques and image analysis
Ulrich Bick, Berlin / Germany
  1. To learn about the technique and purpose of tomosynthesis compared to digital mammography.
  2. To understand the differences between reading a screening and diagnostic mammography.
  3. To become familiar with workup possibilities after positive screening mammography, taking into account psychological considerations.
21 min
Differences in ultrasound: techniques and image analysis
Panagiotis Kapetas, Vienna / Austria
  1. To learn how to adjust the settings and improve the image quality of breast ultrasound.
  2. To become familiar with the evaluation of breast lesions in B-mode.
  3. To understand the added value of the implementation of additional sonographic techniques for breast lesion characterisation.
15 min