RPS 202 - DCE-MRI radiomics analysis in differentiating luminal A and luminal B breast cancer molecular subtypes
04:40O. Lafcı, Ankara / TR
RPS 202 - Shear wave and strain elastography to reduce unnecessary biopsies in breast cancer diagnostics
05:10A. Pfob, Heidelberg / DE
RPS 202 - Accuracy and reproducibility of contrast-enhanced mammography (CEM) in the assessment of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) in breast cancer patients with calcifications in the tumour bed
04:27V. Iotti, Reggio Emilia / IT
RPS 202 - Applicability of the Kaiser score clinical decision rule to contrast-enhanced mammography (CEM) interpretation of breast lesions: a comparison with interpretation according to the BI-RADS
05:02A. Marzogi, Makkah / SA
RPS 202 - A multimodal hybrid 18F-FDG PET/MRI radiomics model discriminating biological properties of malignant and benign breast lesions
04:55V. Romeo, Naples / IT
RPS 202 - MRI radiomics signatures for the prediction of risk of breast cancer recurrence: correlation with genomic recurrence scores
05:19I. Daimiel Naranjo, New York, NY / US
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