Refresher Course: Paediatric

RC 712 - Bone marrow findings


Chairperson's introduction

Chairperson's introduction

05:00Maria Beatrice Beatrice Damasio, Genoa / IT

Frequent and less frequent findings in healthy children

Frequent and less frequent findings in healthy children

15:00Karen Rosendahl, Tromsø / NO

Optimal protocol: how to increase specificity and when to use extra sequences?

Optimal protocol: how to increase specificity and when to use extra sequences?

15:00Lil-Sofie Ording Müller, Oslo / NO

When to biopsy, when to follow, when to ignore

When to biopsy, when to follow, when to ignore

15:00Laura Tanturri De Horatio, Roma / IT

Panel discussion: How to improve differential diagnosis between variants and pathology?

Panel discussion: How to improve differential diagnosis between variants and pathology?

10:00Panel discussion: How to improve differential diagnosis between variants and pathology?

5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Maria Beatrice Beatrice Damasio, Genoa / Italy
15 min
Frequent and less frequent findings in healthy children
1. To describe the normal pattern of bone marrow conversion in the maturing skeleton.
2. To list the most common sites of residual red bone marrow.
3. To name at least three sites of physiological/self-limiting bone marrow changes in healthy children.
15 min
Optimal protocol: how to increase specificity and when to use extra sequences?
Lil-Sofie Ording Müller, Oslo / Norway
1. To learn about the basic imaging protocol for bone-marrow imaging with a focus on whole-body MRI.
2. To describe the most relevant additional MRI sequences in equivocal bone marrow findings.
3. To discuss when and how to apply extra sequences in bone marrow imaging.
15 min
When to biopsy, when to follow, when to ignore
Laura Tanturri De Horatio, Roma / Italy
1. To describe the main focal and diffuse bone marrow diseases in children.
2. To distinguish in which cases biopsy is necessary and in which follow-up is appropriate.
3. To recognise the bone marrow findings that do not require any monitoring.
10 min
Panel discussion: How to improve differential diagnosis between variants and pathology?

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